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יום שלישי, אוגוסט 15, 2006

"The United States of Allah"

I read one of the most disturbing articles on JPOST.COM ( not like it was their fault that palestinians are so pig-headed, yet it was still disturbing).


"Rizkah said the war united Arabs and Muslims around the world "because now they are looking forward to achieving freedom and dignity." He added: "If anything, this war has shattered the myth of the invincible [Israeli] army and [shown] that the Israelis are unable to confront the strong determination and will of Muslim fighters.""

The problem is that because we have lost our presteige and fear in the eyes of the Arab nations, they will readily launch hundreds of more terrorist attacks and whatnot( just read the article).

Again, I shall compare our situation to a body infected with cancer. Because the cancer cells transform the body's healthy cells into cancerous cells- and wage a war against each other- it wears out the body. Then imagine a normally defeatable, round-of-the-mill virus comes along and hatches itself in that cancer-infected body! The body's immune system is so tired and defeated that it has no defense against the puny virus! In the end, its that meak litte virus that could end up being the cause of death for the poor cancer-wracked body!

We have been fighting ourselves dangerously for the past couple years. Its culmination came into affect when we attacked each other during the evacuation of Gush-Katif. Little kippot-srugot children have been instilled with an automatic fear and hatred towards chayalim, or soldiers. We were brother agaisnt brother out there, and that has weakened our nation's immune system!

In a dog-eat cat world, well we assume that is the way it would be- or else one species would die out. In a dog-eat dog world, well its been used so much, that you assume from the beginning that its normal. But when it comes to a brother-eat-brother world, thats when we need to pause and look at the direction we are headed towards. Do we really want to trench in the hate coated darkness of sinat chinam?

Now the Arabs have caught us with our trousers down. We were not unprepared for the war in the sense that militarily everything is up to its best. But psychologically ans spiritually, our nation is restless! Ehud Olmert, our new Prime Minister, had had plans to evacuate more places throughout Israel, in order to comply with American demands, of course. But his plans for another hitnatkut, or hitkansut as theyre calling it now, were pushed to the wayside as the demands for sincere focus were upped as Hizbullah rained Ketyushas on our faces. Yet his armies nor his government could be totally prepared because of the cancer we have been fighting in this Israeli body.

Our immune system is down!

If you read on in the article, it says, "
Emboldened by what they perceive as the Hizbullah "victory" over Israel, several writers and commentators in the Arab world have begun openly discussing the possibility of destroying Israel. "

Now the normally feeble virus can attack our sickly body because its focus is slotted elsewhere. They have plans to do G-d-only-knows-what to us and our country because they precieve a weakness amongst us: sinat chinam.

People!!! sinat chinam is STILL a problem!! And until we can get our act together, and unite as one- we are hopeless!

Yet, this month long saga between us and Lebanon has brought out a mighty power in the Jewish nation: giving. Today I helped back boxes for soldiers ( could be religious soldier, could be chilonim, but I don't care). All the things were bought with money donated by a Jewish man in America. He donated 120,000 DOLLARS ( multiply that by 4.5 and that's how mush that is in shekels) in order to provide the chayalim and chayalot with little necessities like shampoo and underwear! I packed boxes with fellow jews, some I know, some I've never met: but the important thing is that we were doing it together, we were doing it for a united cause!

My school, Ulpanah Tzviah of Maaleh Adumim is hosting about 18 families in their facilities, and there are scores of people from the community who are volunteering to entertain them and cater food for them.

So we should learn what the Arabs seemed to have caught onto by agreeing that "
in the wake of the Israel-Hizbullah war, the best thing for the Palestinians at this stage is to be united."

If they can unite, should'nt it seem more than natural that we can too?!

And yet while they unite in the heightened goals of war, destruction, and world domination, Jews from all over the world must unite in freedom, peace, and nationly love. When we commit ourselves to one another, and are free of biases and baseless hatreds, then we can be saved from the impending mostrosity of "The United States of Allah"

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