Feast your eyes on the REAL information, the lowdown on a day in the life of an Israeli. No media, no exaggeration- the honest truth. WELCOME TO ISRAEL!

יום שלישי, אוגוסט 01, 2006

we <3 Israel

My father is the renowned " brother of the ex-American embassador to Israel" and as we speak, he is sitting in our living room, talking to a reporter from the Israeli newspaper "Yerushalayim." This is the 7th interview, no exaggeration, that he has done since my family moved here nearly a month ago.
I can't tell yet if he enjoys it. I know that for since i can remember he and my uncle, Dan Kurtzer, have shared an opposite political view on everything. Israel, where we stand, what land is ours, where we belong, everything- i guess they agree to disagree. My dad is, although in America he was a Republican ( :( ), here, he is right-winged... the place where a religious Jew should stand. We protect our land, and are not willing to give it up in a pinch, like the ones that President Bush and his government gives to Israel under the table.We deserve our land, and it will be ours, when push comes to shove.

I've never held a blog before, so i dunno what all y'all( yes, thats an authentic "y'all," im origionally from Dallas,Tx.) are expecting.

Oooh, goodies! my siblings just came back from their first day at Ulpan-camp( ulpan( pronounced ool-pahn) is an Israeli program that helps immigrants learn Hewbrew)...and the Israeli interviewer just asked me if i can speak hebrew, and i just spoke to her for like a few minutes in fluent hebrew.

My story?

I've been here since january ( a.k.a the middle of my 11th grade year). I plopped myself into the middle of 11th grade, an extremely abnormal decision- if youre a normal human being. Me? Naw, i guess im one of those abnormal ones. I made friends, learnt the language, did the homework, took the Bagruyot( a form of national finals, the types that ALL colleges and higher educational services look at to decide if they want to accept you to their well-bred establishments), and im still alive. I lived with my aunt and 6 cousins for 6 months, and well... in short...i survived that too. I love them to pieces, but oh lordy did i miss my family.

So, for all y'all teens, or people in general around the world: if the problem for you is moving to a new place, moving here is very do-able. well, I'll talk about all the political action and saftey precautions in my next blog... but for now...

Shalom, L'hitraot


5 תגובות:

אנונימי אמר/ה...

You're a wonderful writer and I'm so proud of you that you're seeing fit to express your thoughts and feelings this way. More power to you and know that I and your realtives on my side of the family are with you all the way.
Much love (from galut)

אנונימי אמר/ה...

Another comment, Bracha, this time regarding political differences within the same family.

You may or may not already know this. Your Saba lives in Karnei Shomron, which gives you an idea of where he stand politically. On the other hand, his sister, your great-aunt, is a Satmar Chassid living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. As you may well imagine, they do not see eye-to-eye about whether or not there should even be a Medina before Mashiach comes. But that does not in any way stop them from having a close relationship. A generation later, I'm making it my business to stay in regular contact with the Satmar side of the family, even though they know full well that Saba and I are both IDF veterans and all. In the process of staying in touch I am learning quite a bit about them - particularly that even though their "official" line is against Zionism, behind that they have A LOT of "de facto" support and sympathy for ALL Jews living in Eretz Yisrael.

I guess the bottom line is - we are all Jews and family first, political opposites a distant second. That's the way it ought to be, especially in times of trouble.

אנונימי אמר/ה...

BRACHA! just wanted to let ya know im reading ur blog and thinking of u!

אנונימי אמר/ה...

you do not know who i am well maybe u have seen me in a few movies spiderman 1 spiderman 2 well i just wanna say great work i fully aggree with what u say
love you friendly neighbor

אנונימי אמר/ה...

hehhehehe the last comment was by me leora kurtzer good luck with the blog